Bladder Buzz Podcast
The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Neurogenic Lower Urinary TractDysfunction (NLUTD) was launched in 2019 and includes a diverse team of physicians(rehabilitation, urology, pediatrics), researchers, and people with NLUTD (more commonlyknown as “neurogenic bladder”). We are located across the United States and have a passion to advance science, health care, and quality of life around this common condition. Our podcasts are for clinicians, scientists, non-scientists, adults, kids, and everyone in between. We cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of neurogenic bladder and its management, to being in a relationship and dating, social justice, and even how your bladder is like a snowflake! So, if urine need of some of the latest knowledge on neurogenic bladder from experts in the field, then urine luck!
Bladder Buzz Podcast
Deporte adaptado en la Lesión Medular: Para consumidores
RRTC on Neurogenic Bladder
Season 3
Episode 8
En este episodio hablaremos de la importancia del deporte adaptado como complemento al programa de rehabilitación y la importancia que este tiene para el sentido de pertenencia. El Licenciado Marcelo Ullúa (Kinesiólogo) y la Dra. Ana Valeria Aguirre (Rehabilitadora) abordaran temas como la nutrición, la hidratación y el cómo realizar ejercicio de forma segura.
“Muchas veces el deporte es el que te elige y no al revés.”