Bladder Buzz Podcast
The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Neurogenic Lower Urinary TractDysfunction (NLUTD) was launched in 2019 and includes a diverse team of physicians(rehabilitation, urology, pediatrics), researchers, and people with NLUTD (more commonlyknown as “neurogenic bladder”). We are located across the United States and have a passion to advance science, health care, and quality of life around this common condition. Our podcasts are for clinicians, scientists, non-scientists, adults, kids, and everyone in between. We cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of neurogenic bladder and its management, to being in a relationship and dating, social justice, and even how your bladder is like a snowflake! So, if urine need of some of the latest knowledge on neurogenic bladder from experts in the field, then urine luck!
56 episodes
Más allá de la vejiga – Viaje y lesión medular
¿Sueñas con tus próximas vacaciones, pero te preocupa cómo viajar con una lesión de médula espinal? Planificar un viaje implica muchos detalles, y la accesibilidad puede ser un desafío.En este episodio, acompaña a los licenciados en tera...
Season 3
Episode 20

Journal Club: Optimizing the Injection Schema for 200 or 300 Units of OnabotulinumtoxinA (BTX-A) in the Office Setting
In this episode, join Dr. Rose Khavari and Dr.Argy Stampas with host, Elizabeth-Sarah Bile, as we discuss their newest research findings on “Optimizing the Injection Schema for 200 or 300 Units of OnabotulinumtoxinA (BTX-A) in the Office ...
Season 4
Episode 8

La orina no es esteril
La Dra. Ana Valeria Aguirre, Rehabilitadora e investigadora clínica en MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital y el Dr Eduardo Bauer del hospital TIRR en Houston, Texas, hablan sobre el tema “La orina no es estéril”, en este podcast, hablaran ...
Season 3
Episode 19

Journal Club: Reduction of Overactive Bladder Medications in Spinal Cord Injury with Self-Administered Neuromodulation: A Randomized Trial
In this episode, join Dr. Argy Stampas and host Elizabeth-Sarah Bile as we discuss the article “Reduction of Overactive Bladder Medications in Spinal Cord Injury with Self-Administered Neuromodulation: A Randomized Trial”. Tune in to discover h...
Season 4
Episode 7

Bladder Buzz: Exploring Neuroplasticity: The Barbara S. Christie Evoked Potential Operant Conditioning Laboratory
In this episode, we're diving into the groundbreaking work of the Barbara S. Christie Evoked Potential Operant Conditioning Laboratory. Join Dr. Aiko Thompson and Sarah Dimeglio as we explore how researchers are unlocking the secrets of the bra...
Season 1
Episode 17

Manejo de los Síntomas Urinarios
Los síntomas urinarios son un problema común para las personas con vejiga neurogénica. Sin embargo, no todos los síntomas urinarios son indicativos de infección del tracto urinario (ITU), ni los síntomas de ITU son únicamente síntomas relaciona...
Season 3
Episode 18

Journal Club: Exploring urinary incontinence in aging women
Learn more about incontinence in aging women with Dr. Zhina Sadeghi, a leading urology expert. Listen to hear about her key findings comparing bladder function, structure, and gene activity between young and older female mice. Dr. Sadeghi expla...
Season 4
Episode 6

“La vida después de la lesión medular” Relatos en primera persona. Para profesionales de salud, consumidores y familiares
En este episodio conversamos con dos de las autoras del libro “La vida después de la lesión medular”. La Dra. Melina Longoni y la profesora y licenciada en educación para la salud Mariela Degano, nos cuentan de sus experiencias durante la reali...
Season 3
Episode 17

Bladder Buzz: Catheterization tips and tricks for consumers
In this episode, Sarah Dimeglio is joined by Gina Powley and Rachel Boeche, the clinical resource managers for Hollister Incorporated US Continence Care. We discuss some of the most comm...
Season 1
Episode 16

Bladder Buzz: Catheterization tips and tricks for clinicians
In this episode, Sarah Dimeglio is joined by Gina Powley and Rachel Boeche, the clinical resource managers for Hollister Incorporated US Continence Care. We discuss the latest regulation...
Season 1
Episode 15

Adaptaciones para el manejo de la vejiga neurogénica, recomendaciones de acuerdo al nivel de lesión y funcionalidad. Para profesionales de salud, consumidores y familiares.
En este episodio nos acompañan la Terapeuta Ocupacional Mariana Bonetto y el Terapeuta Físico Marcelo Ullúa para hablar de las diferentes adaptaciones para el manejo de la vejiga neurogénica, y las diferentes opciones que existe de acuerdo al n...
Season 3
Episode 16

Journal Club: Exploring breakthroughs in multiple sclerosis bladder health treatment with noninvasive brain Stimulation
Bladder symptoms are extremely common in individuals with MS. These symptoms include urinary frequency, urgency, incontinence or difficulty voiding or both. Voiding dysfunction (VD), a common neurogenic lower urinary tract symptom in individual...
Season 4
Episode 5

Beyond the Bladder: A stepwise approach to bowel management
This episode on neurogenic bowel explores the stepwise approach for bowel management. From treatment options, age group considerations, adapting for cognitive differences, and support, we'll address it all with Dr Mandy Rounds and Nurse Practit...
Season 2
Episode 11

Beyond the Bladder: What is Neurogenic Bowel?
This episode on neurogenic bowel explores the differences between neurogenic bowel and a typical functioning bowel, common symptoms, and addresses the crucial aspects of bowel management. From strategies and goals to challenges and misconceptio...
Season 2
Episode 10

Bladder Buzz: SpineX’s Neuromodulation for Incontinence with Dr. Parag Gad: For patients and families
Welcome to a special crossover community perspectives collaboration between BladderBuzz and SCI Science Perspectives, where Drs. Rounds, McMillan, and Petriello interview Dr. Parag Gad, CEO of SpineX Inc. In this episode, we'll explore emerging...
Season 1
Episode 14

Bladder Buzz: SpineX’s Neuromodulation for Incontinence with Dr. Parag Gad: For professionals
Welcome to a special crossover scholarly perspectives collaboration between BladderBuzz and SCI Science Perspectives, where Drs. Rounds, McMillan, and Petriello interview Dr. Parag Gad, CEO of SpineX Inc. In this episode, we'll explore emerging...
Season 1
Episode 13

Beyond the Bladder: Empowering Children with Neurogenic Bladder: The Transformative Role of Occupational Therapy
In this episode, Dr. Mandy Rounds, a Research Scientist, is joined by Morgan Kane, a pediatric occupational therapist, to explore the transformative role of occupational therapy in helping children manage neurogenic bladder.Morgan shares...
Season 2
Episode 9

Beyond the Bladder: The Intersection of SCI and Sexuality
We all have many identities and are all different! This is the story of Jeymee who is a trans woman with a spinal cord injury (SCI). In this podcast, she discusses with Rehabilitation Psychologist Dr. Mana Ali Carter how the intersection of the...
Season 2
Episode 8

Género y Sexo en la Lesión Medular: Para consumidores y profesionales de la salud
En el episodio de hoy hablaremos de ¨Género y Sexo¨, para este tema nos acompañan la Dra. Melina Longoni, la profesora y licenciada en educación para la salud Mariela Degano y el Dr. Isaac Hernández. A lo largo del episodio se hablará de los mi...
Season 3
Episode 15

Bladder Buzz: Connect with Live UTI Free!
Dr. Mandy Rounds interviews Melissa Kramer, the founder and CEO of Live UTI Free. This podcasts talks about how her personal experiences with UTIs has developed into a company to help others. Live UTI Free is a patient research and advocacy org...
Season 1
Episode 12

Deporte adaptado en la Lesión Medular: Para consumidores
En este episodio hablaremos de la importancia del deporte adaptado como complemento al programa de rehabilitación y la importancia que este tiene para el sentido de pertenencia. El Licenciado Marcelo Ullúa (Kinesiólogo) y la Dra. Ana Valeria Ag...
Season 3
Episode 8

Cirugías urológicas para las personas con disfunción neurogénica del tracto urinario inferior o vejiga neurogénica
En este episodio se hablará de los procedimientos quirúrgicos para el tratamiento de la vejiga neurogénica, para este tema nos acompañan la Dra. Natalia Hernández (Uróloga) y la Dra. Ana Valeria Aguirre (Fisiatra). Durante el episodio se hará u...
Season 3
Episode 13

Bladder Buzz: Engineering a Better Bladder
In this episode of Bladder Buzz, join SCI doctor Argy Stampas, MD, MS from UTHealth at Houston McGovern Medical School and bioengineer Dennis Bourbeau, PhD, from the Cleveland FES Center and the MetroHealth System, as they discuss advance...
Season 1
Episode 11

Bladder Buzz: Emerging treatment: gene therapy for neurogenic bladder
The Bladder Buzz team is “buzzing” about this podcast- gene therapy for neurogenic bladder!Dr. Argy Stampas interviews Dr. Philippe Chambon, Founder and CEO of EG 427, a French biotechnology company that is pioneering a new treatme...
Season 1
Episode 10

Seguimiento urológico de la disfunción neurogénica del tracto urinario inferior. Para consumidores y proveedores de salud
En este episodio hablaremos de la importancia del seguimiento urológico en las personas con una vejiga neurogénica, y para esto nos acompañan el Dr. Sergio Durán (Neurourólogo) y la Dra. Ana Valeria Aguirre (Fisiatra). Durante el episo...
Season 3
Episode 12